[Most Gentiles stop here as if that is the end of the instruction and that is ALL they are required to do. Funny enough, the ones who proclaim this actually don't even follow this instruction by all practical purposes.]
In fact, this instruction is only the beginning. It was the simply MINIMUM requirement for all Gentiles to enter the Messianic Synagogues and enjoy fellowship with believers in Messiah Y'shua (Jesus). The next verse clearly implies that once they enter, they will learn about the rest of what God requires of Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah...
Acts 15:21 - "For from the earliest times, Moshe (Moses) has had in every city those who proclaim him, with his words being read in the synagogues every Shabbat (Sabbath).
The Law most certainly applies to ALL Jews and Gentiles. True, we are not saved by keeping the Law, but by God's grace, but we are saved to KEEP the Law and live lives that honor God.
I agree wholeheartedly! Baruch Hashem!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on this new blog it looks like a good place to talk with the brothers about pertinent
Thank Jonathan: Your opinions and thoughts are valued.
ReplyDeleteThis is from a friend of mine who offered his Catholic Perspective: "I love this kind of discussion and exploration. As a nuance, though, I don't think it is truly "vs.", in that there should not be dispute. There is overwhelming overlap in belief and practice. Catholicism, in particular, is theologically (if not expressed by all its adherents) beholding to early messianism, and acknowledges that "salvation is from the Jews" and the Christian Church is "grafted on" to Judaism. Jews continue to be God's chosen people by inheritance and Christians are part of His new covenant by belief, so Messianic Jews are doubly blessed, as blood-heirs and by belief-adoption. The Jews I know who have come into the Catholic Church have felt a strong kinship and certainly the Church has been enriched by them. After all, our first Pope and bishops, not to mention the holy Son of God Himself, were all Jewish and never renounced their Judaism!"
ReplyDeleteMy comment and answer from Charles follows up...
To the above comment and others - Please remember, I am not here to attack anyone's personal beliefs - God is in control. This is rather an exploration and discussion of these matters as you say.
ReplyDeleteMy answer as to why the "VS."? I understand that you are trying to build bridges rather than dig ditches and this overall admirable, until this road serves to obscure biblical TRUTH.
The truth is there ARE differences that between Messianic Faith vs. Christian Faith. Saturday vs. Sunday - Keeping the Law and Torah Observance vs. Not Keeping it - Keeping Kosher vs. Eating whatever you want - Observing the Biblical Feasts and Holy Days vs. celebrating the man-made ones (Christmas, Easter, etc. and abandoning the Biblical Feasts and Holy Days) and on and on and on...
A person must decide for themselves which way they will go and which road they will follow.
FACT: Christianity is primarily a religious system birthed in the fourth century, one that has defined itself in opposition to the Jewish people for seventeen hundred years. All Jewishness has been removed from the major Church creeds. God’s primary, and ongoing. commitment to the Jewish people has been removed from the Church creeds and theologies. They do not mention that the New Covenant is made with the Jewish people and that Gentiles must be grafted into Israel’s Olive Tree (Romans 11). They do not acknowledge that Gentiles must be brought into the commonwealth of Israel.
FACT: Christianity has theologically defined itself in opposition to, or al;east as separate from the Jewish people. As a theological system, it based upon the divine rejection, temporary or eternal, of the Jews. It is a system of REPLACEMENT theology - and replacement of Israel.
I know and accept that your personal beliefs do not 'oppose' Jews, which is most likely why you object to the VS. but we are not talking about Messianic Faith vs. you! We are discussing Messianic Faith vs. another 'system' - that 'system' being Gentile Christianity. It is the 'system' that is at issue here, not the conduct, behavior and beliefs of a minority of Christians. In fact, your very thoughts on this is evidence that you have not entirely accepted the 'system' yourself!
The Catholic Churches claim to be Israel now. I know that, as well as the Orthodox, Reformed and a multitude of others. They all think they have replaced the Jews.
Lastly, although terms such as Elders appear in the Tanakh and original Scriptures and context of Israel, the Catholic Church made these words into Ecclesiastical terms and offices, but in the Bible, these are simply ordinary descriptive words.
Church ecclesiology is not Biblical ecclesiology. The Biblical "ekklesia" is the kahal/congregation/commonwealth of Israel. The concept of a separate "Church" was invented and imposed on the texts, and actually in defiance of the texts themselves and in defiance of God's faithfulness to the Jewish people.
Footnote: Much credit goes to Daniel Gruber for the above - Thanks Dan! I would suggest that the whole world read "Copernicus and the Jews." This goes along way in fulfilling Tikum Ha'olam - fixing things."
Great link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmOQ8LOaKpU
ReplyDeleteSee Num. 15:14-16, Dt. 31:12
ReplyDeleteHere we see ONE LAW, ONE ORDINANCE, ONE STATUTE forever for both native Israelites and strangers (gentiles). The Hebrew word for 'stranger' there is 'ger'.The KJV Hebrew lexicon gives its definition as: 1) A temporary inhabitant; 2) of foreigners in Israel through conceded rights. So there were both strangers who entered the land temporarily lacking full citizenship. And there were those strangers who were residents who submitted themselves to the laws and ways of Israel. The Jewish Encylopedia says the "Stranger" who is merely a visitor (Ger) or a resident (Ger Toshab) was placed under PROTECTION of the law. It says that the word GENTILE means designating "a people not Jewish,commonly applied to non-Jews". And the word "Gentile" corresponds to the late Hebrew "goi" a synonym for "nokri" signifying "stranger" (or "foreigner") "non-Jew". This shows that gentiles who choose to join in the worship of the God of Israel are obligated to keep all the words of the Law/Torah.
Charles- I look forward to following your blog. For the past 5 years ive been torn between the old "christian" vs the new "follow scripture". Im about to be discharging the military soon and Im trying to slowly incorporate a more scriptural healthier lifestyle that more pleases God. Haha Ive even phased out for the most part pork, shrimp, catfish eating and this principle has also helped me to lose 30 pounds. God has a point about the foods we eat. Some stuff can just simply kill us and cause alot of problems to our health. Anyways, anytime I share with my christian mother these things she tries to shut me down by saying those things are not important for salvation. I reply back with, "Im not concerned about heaven, im young!"